J.A. Kennedy / Space M / RM Gallery, 3 Samoa House Lane, Tāmaki Makaurau. 9 June - 3 July 2021.
Structure Signaling. Playing next to Escobedo’s Signals, 2021. 8:42 min:sec HD single channel video with sound.
An event exists within another event in time, like the flow of water through states of solidity(graspable), liquid and vapour(seemingly ungraspable). The flow continues to expand along with the proximity to an episode or an event.1 I look into a window toward the present while simultaneously out a window at the past.
The event in focus for this project is Mexican artist Helen Escobedo’s sculpture Signals, installed in 1971 at Fred Ambler Lookout, Parnell. I consider the structure of Signals as a past event, one that embodies the action of looking, questioning what is going on around it. A structure labouring through time with the weight of Escobedo’s argument that sculpture should be functional.2 Structure Signalling (Logical Structure or Relating to Something That Happened) considers play as a potential function, using installation, drawing, video and photography as a means to consider an actor’s proximity to an event. Precedence for engagement originates from the fact that bodily actions are informed by surrounding objects that are inseparably a part of each other.3
Author Milan Kundera points out that in Aristotle’s Poetics the episode is an important concept. Aristotle did not like episodes. According to him, an episode, from the point of view of poetry, is the worst possible type of event. It is neither an unavoidable consequence of preceding action nor the cause of what is to follow: it is outside the chain of causal events that is the story. Life is as stuffed with episodes as a mattress is with horsehair, but a poet (according to Aristotle) is not an upholsterer and must remove all the stuffing from his story, even though real life consists of nothing but precisely such stuffing.4 The ‘stuffing’ of an event is precedent for engagement. In the case of this project, the stuffing in focus is the aesthetic decision to not clutter the bald quality of Signals with curvilinear clambering elements at the structure’s base.5 This means there is fifty years of clambering among clutter that never eventuated, this stuffing is the potential of play.
Through the process of exploring the site where Signals is installed and its surrounding objects, I ask what or whom [controls] the meaning and content of [this current moment], and how much does meaning derive from this new time and space realisation?6 The shifting meaning of an event brings potentials of the seemingly static past toward the fleeting present. The result being a bricolage of fragments. Processes of making acknowledge material as lived-experience, stuffing that is composed of engagement with peripheral surroundings. In asking, “what is going on?” we seek signals to form a logical structure in a naïve effort to relate to something that has already happened, questioning perspective, intention, uses of time, and the expectation of outcome.
Derrida, J. (1966) Structure, Sign, and Play (In Writing and Difference (1978), Trans. Alan Bass) University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 278.
(Documentary of the International Sculpture Symposium, 1971. Directed by Arthur Everard.) Four Shapes for Four Spaces (1972), 10:08 - 10:34 (Escobedo talking on happenings and an artist existing and belonging in a “...natural environment”) https://www.nzonscreen.com/title/four-shapes-for-four-spaces-1972/overview (Accessed since 18-4-19)
Burnham, J. (1971) The Structure of Art, George Braziller Inc, New York, 29.
Kundera, M. (1990) Immortality, (Trans. Peter Kussi, 1991), Harper Perennial, New York. 313. (Excerpt originally found in a folder at the Paul Cullen Archive, Henderson. 3-4-21)
(Correspondence between Jim Allen and Helen Escobedo.) International Sculpture Symposium 1971, Archive date range: 1969-1981 E H McCormick Research Library, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Accession no: RC2010/5 (Accessed 18-4-19 and 23-2-21)
Conland, N. (2018) The Politics of Erasure: The Artists et al. (In Reading Room, Politics of Denial (2018), Issue 08.18 E.H. McCormick Research Library, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki. 88.
A publication for this exhibition will be launched in October 2021 to mark half a century.